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Illinois Personal Injury & Criminal Defense / Springfield Auto Accident Lawyer 

Springfield Auto Accident Lawyer 

There are more than 9 million licensed drivers in Illinois and more than 11 million registered vehicles. With so many drivers and vehicles on Illinois highways and local roads, auto accidents are more common than most of us would like to acknowledge. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, there are more than 1,300 fatal injuries in auto crashes reported annually and thousands more nonfatal injuries in accidents. When auto accidents occur, they often happen because of another driver’s negligence. If another motorist’s negligence causes a collision, you may be able to file a claim and obtain compensation. Contact our experienced Springfield auto accident lawyer today to find out more.

Common Causes of Springfield Auto Accidents

Springfield auto accidents have many different causes. The following are among the most commonly cited reasons for motor vehicle crashes:

  • Distracted driving, including texting while driving;
  • Aggressive driving, which can include speeding, following too closely, or weaving in traffic;
  • Road rage, including such behaviors as refusing to allow another vehicle to change lanes, or trying to force a car off the road;
  • Fatigued or drowsy driving, which involves getting behind the wheel of a car when you are not alert enough to drive safely; and
  • Intoxicated driving, which can include driving drunk or after taking any type of drug (even a prescription medication).

Steps to Take in a Springfield Auto Accident

If you are involved in an auto accident in Springfield or the surrounding area, it is essential to take certain steps if possible so that you can preserve valuable evidence for a later insurance claim or lawsuit. Consider the following important steps if your injuries will not prevent you from doing these things safely:

  • Document the scene of the auto accident with photographs and videos, which you can easily take on your smartphone, making sure to document any tire tracks, skid marks, property damage, physical injuries, and both close-up and long-distance shots of the area where the crash occurred;
  • Identify any possible witnesses, including other vehicle occupants who were involved in the collision, and obtain contact information so your auto accident lawyer can follow up to seek witness testimony;
  • Seek medical attention from a health care provider even if you do not have obvious signs of injuries, recognizing that some signs and symptoms can take hours or longer to appear but can be more easily managed with immediate recognition and proper treatment;
  • Report the auto accident to your own auto insurance company as quickly as possible even if you plan to file a third-party auto insurance claim through the at-fault motorist’s insurance or if you plan to move quickly onto a civil lawsuit against the at-fault driver; and
  • Get in touch with an auto accident attorney as soon as possible to begin discussing your case.

Illinois law gives most people two years from the date of the auto injury to file a lawsuit. While two years might seem like a long amount of time, it is important to remember that time tends to pass quicker than most of us expect, and it is essential to ensure that your lawsuit is filed in a timely manner.

Contact Patel Law, PC Today

Were you injured in an auto accident in the Springfield area? You may be eligible to file a claim for financial compensation. Contact our experienced Springfield auto accident lawyer today.

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